The Making of the Blacksmiths’ Tree
Produced on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, a story of devotion and recovery as artists and blacksmiths the world over responded to the Black Saturday fires that devastated townships north-east of Melbourne in February 2009.
Host a screening
Communities across Australia may host their own screening of Forged from Fire. Find out how. All screenings are supplied with a Screening Guide prepared by staff and students from the Faculty of Health, Arts and Design, Swinburne University of Technology.
Own a DVD
We have a limited run of beautifully packaged DVDs of Forged from Fire available. The DVD includes a host of extras.
Forged from Fire tells the story of how an Australian and international community of blacksmiths, welders, artists and volunteers responded to the devastating Black Saturday bush-fires by creating perhaps the most ambitious public artwork and memorial in Australia – a three tonne, 9.8-meter tall stainless steel and copper gum tree – The Blacksmiths’ Tree.
Director: Andrew Garton
Duration: 58:30
A production of Secession Films.
I had a chance tonight to look at Forged from Fire and want to congratulate all involved, in creating a film of such sincerity, engagement and, truly, radiance.
Seeing that tree all together was very affecting for me…like a community put back together after unthinkable devastation.

Send us a postcard
PO Box 662, Hurstbridge
Victoria, 3099, Australia
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Produced with the assistance of Regional Arts Victoria 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Community Arts Grants Program
Financed with the support of the Documentary Australia Foundation
A production of Secession Films